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Sarah Brown

SuperStar Consultant


My Story

The year was 2016. I was a recent college graduate and had just moved into my first roommate-less apartment. Just me and my dog. I had one Scentsy warmer that I'd gotten as a gift and I was so broke that I could only afford to buy one Scentsy bar at a time. And believe me, I made that Scentsy bar last. I was headed into a career that I still wasn't 100% sure was for me, even though I'd just paid for four years of schooling to get there. I was an introvert, living completely inside my comfort zone, and I was happy as a clam with who I was and not ever changing or growing. Or so I thought.
Then came the day. I ran out of my Simply Vanilla wax and wanted to try something new but not too different (remember, I LOVED my comfort zone). While I was ordering my one single bar of Toffee Butter Crunch, my consultant asked me a question that changed my life. She asked me if I'd ever considered becoming a consultant myself, so that I could earn commission on this amazing thing that was making my apartment smell so good. It was a good time to join - the membership fee was half price that month!
Let's recap: I was broke. So broke that I could only afford one $6 bar of wax at a time. How was I going to afford a $64 kit? Times were desperate and I had an exciting feeling in my gut about this opportunity I was presented with. I scrounged together the money and did the thing! But then I didn't do the thing. I didn't start off with a bang or put myself out there because my introverted, comfort zone-loving brain was too afraid to put myself out there. But I DID love all the help and support I was getting from this new Scentsy team I had just joined. These women were doing this to supplement their part-time income? And some of them even full time! No way! I was in shock when I found out that this was an option at all.
Slowly, but surely, I got more and more into it and finally began to see that I did want to grow, I did want to change my life, and maybe there was a reason Scentsy came into my life at a time when I was broke and questioning my last four years of schooling.
Fast forward seven years. The year is 2023. I'm a freaking Scentsy Director, I've moved into a house that was purchased - no more rent. Still with the same dog. And my only roommate is the the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Thank you to everyone who has made this what it is. I'm more grateful for you than you'll ever know.

My Favourite Scents